The real story...
Apparently there is a rumour going around as to how things started between Bless and I, and I just wanted to set the record straght.
The events actually went as follows:
"Brent and I met late October of last year at a volleyball drop-in (@ Cameron Centre). I noticed him the first day he showed up - with his good looks and all, he was not hard to miss. Plus, he was the only one doing warm-up sprints."
I wasn't doing wind sprints, I had eaten a burrito that wasn't sitting well.
After that, yes we did play on the same team, but the conversation went like this:
"Golly, I like volleyball players, they really rip!"
"I like to dance."
"Who are you?"
"Do you like lotto tickets? I work for a place that does something with lotto tickets."
"You work at 7-11?"
"I wish! No, I'm Bless."
"I'm Brent."
"Would you like to see my coconuts?"
"... uh... okay"
And then the rest of the story is pretty much on track.
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