Friday, June 16, 2006

Yogurt War

I brought four yogurts to work on Monday and ate none during the week. Yesterday, I noticed there was only one yogurt left. Somebody has been eating my yogurt.

Sigh. I specifically wrote my name on the lids but apparently no one cares. I confronted my suspects this morning, and their response was, “Don’t buy the same brand.”

I was too lazy to jumpkick them in the head so instead, I grabbed my last yogurt and made sure my name was written all over it.

Just a few minutes ago, when I went to grab my yogurt, I found it at the back of the fridge behind all the rotten food.


I've just finished making a cut-out of Legolas and attached it to my yogurt. On Monday, I will bring 6 yogurts and start an army.



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