Shot down in a blaze of glory!!!
Hello all,
Well it was Bless's brother's b-day party yesturday and we all went and played paintball. It was a fun day, but unfortunately Bless got shot point blank by a guy who should have called mercy on her. (mercy is when you are 15 feet or closer and rather than shooting and hurting the person you call mercy and they are considered shot. Its a rule and you're suppose to honor it.)
Well Bless and I were playing and I moved up the field about 20 feet but well off to the side and lost sight of her, and this guy ended up comming in close and rather than just shooting her once at close range (which still would have been against the mercy rule) he opens up and hits her 3 or 4 times in the arm.
Now, at that range the ball can actually break the skin, but luckily it didn't. Bless was obviously hurt and after I made sure she was okay, I went over to the guy. He insisted that he hadn't done anything wrong but he did apologise. Bless said that I didn't need to punch him so I didn't. Which was nice of her cause I may have been kicked off the field... maybe for good.
Anyway, Bless was upset and crying, but one of the first things she said was "I'm not a wimp, I'm just upset cause he didn't follow the mercy rule." And then, after sitting out only one game she got back out there and played again. And she didn't hold back either. She was right up in it with me and even shot a few people. I don't know of many girls (or people for that matter, no I'm not being sexist... I'm just commenting on the girls I know :) ) that wouldn't have just quit. For such a cute little thing, she's actually quite tough.
Anyway, I love you lady and even if those welts turn into big purple bruises I'll still love you... just wear long sleeves please. :P

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