Thursday, March 22, 2007

Love Letter

Hello all,

I miss my Brent. He left last night to go on a super-rainy-wet-I-can’t-believe-you’re-leaving-me-where-can-I-go-to-watch-my-Ugly-Betty-and-who-will-tuck-me-in-with-a-warm-and-fuzzy-yet-unattractive-blanket-and-bring-me-chewed-up-twizzlers-while-I’m-sitting-in-the-lazyboy-surf trip.

He’ll be back on Sunday which is like a millions years from now. Even though I’ve got things planned for this weekend and I’m somewhat enjoying my vegetative state at the moment, I am missing him. I have already opened the Emergency Letter he left in my mailbox (the instructions on the front said to open in the case I’m missing Brent). Did you know that when he went on his surf trip last year, he also wrote me a letter? I love getting letters from him! I won’t tell you the details of the letter as he might pummel me into oblivion, but let me tell ya, hubba hubba!

Anyway, can’t wait for him to come back…

Thursday, March 15, 2007

As the day approaches...

Well its been a while since I posted so you've had to put up with the mindless ramblings of Bless...

Well thats all over cause I'm posting NOW!!!!

So the day of possession is fast upon us and those lucky few who have received an invite to the moving party have all signed on and are eagerly awaiting the morning of March 31st.

Well, just to update you, I've pretty much packed all my belongings (little to no help from Bless... in fact, I had to pack some of her stuff cause she refuses to take it home... mostly gifts I gave her... I know... nice... it'd be funnier if it wasn't true... go ahead, ask her) and I'm itching to be gone from this infernal hell hole! Each passing day is like a thousand toothpicks being jammed under my toe nails.

It will be over soon... two weeks and counting.

Wish me luck.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Good Times

This was me.

Slacker Kid

High school was a place you showed up occasionally, but you didn't really leave a mark.

You hated rules, authority, and structure. In fact, you still do.

Plain Jane

Who were you in high school?
All American Kid
Popular but not plastic. Athletic but not a jock. Smart but not a brain.

You were well rounded and well liked in high school.
Who Were You In High School?

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

So I got my haircut.

And it turned out alright! I asked for 3 inches off and a new style: the long-side-swept-bangs look.

I’m still getting used to the bangs – they’re always in the way! But it's worth the sporatic pokes in the eye. My fiancé loves it – he thinks my new style is sexy but maybe because it hides the bruises.

Friday, March 02, 2007

I need a haircut.

I'm so tired of my hair, I feel like a giant hairball. So tomorrow, I've made an appointment to get my hair cut. Yay! That will be an easy 5lb loss! Brent is a little nervous because he doesn't know how short I'll get it cut. I don't think he should worry much since my hair grows at a rate of 1 cm/day. Besides, it'll grow back in time for our wedding AND maybe his throat won't be so sore anymore.