Hello all... its Brent, and its been a while hasn't it? Well as Bless let you know, we've moved in (or rather I have as Bless won't actually stay over until after the wedding... but shes bringing a bunch of stuff over anyway) and things have been CRAZY!!! The painting is pretty much complete and I can't express the weight that is off my shoulders.
But now of course the wedding pressure is kicking into high gear. Only 4 months to go!!! Actually a few days under that, but close enough. Well we've started to register at the Bay and we think that we'll also put the word out for Best Buy and Ikea certificates as the Bay doesn't have all the things we want.
We've been working on invitations and scheduling stuff and will continue to do so for a while yet. So if I havn't talked to you lately don't be offended I'm just too busy to think! And I'm thinking for two because... well... you know Bless...
I'll try to find the time to update the blog more (as I've said again and again) but it may just be with updates as I don't have the brain power right now to be funny (see the above coment about Bless) with all the added pressure.
Well, I'm off to clean the place up a bit as Bless makes quite a mess, and as soon as the new couches come in we'll be having a housewarming party!!! Not in time for UFC 70 but oh well, I'm sure Bless will smack me around a bit when ever we have people over...