The Wonderful World of Brent and Bless
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
I dream of Halloween
Okay so I'm going to share something with all of you that I have never said to anyone...
I've always thought it would be cool to go as a Jedi for Halloween.
Yes that's right, I said it and I don't care if it makes me a geek. For you see thats one thing that being with Bless has done to me. No she isn't a geek, influencing me, no, she's not... wink, wink... but she does make me feel pretty confident about being one myself, because at the end of the day I don't care what anybody but she thinks.
Now that being said, I do have a problem. You see I've been making my costume... yes thats right, I'm sewing... its really not that hard... I screwed up the first one.
Anyway, back to the problem. You see, Bless doesn't want to go as a Jedi. She wants to be something "clever" so that she can win costume contests. I try to tell her that that's not what Halloween is all about, but she doesn't listen. You see, Halloween isn't about the money and the contests, no its about dressing up and worshiping the dark arts... or at least warding them off by convincing them you're kin.... but anyway, she doesn't get it. I think that it would be the coolest if we went as Jedi. So if you agree, let her know!!!
Oh, and I already made her a costume but she doesn't want it...
May the force be with me...

Hey Mr. DJ
I’m working on our Wedding Song list right now. I’m having an awesome time! No ‘Bridal Attack’ to file! Yay! I should really scrapbook this moment.
A friend of Brent’s will be our DJ for the wedding. He’s a really nice guy! All we have to do is supply a list of songs we would like played and ta-da! disco inferno!
Anyway, like I said, I’m having a blast! I can’t believe how many great songs are out there! Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond, Grease Mega-Mix, Dancing Queen by Abba. Oh and I really like, Janie’s Got A Gun by Aerosmith. Do you think it’s appropriate? My name isn’t Janie…

Thursday, September 21, 2006
Back at work Baby!!!
Hello all,
Well I got called into work yesturday and it was a good day. THey only needed me for a half day so I worked from 12:30pm till 3pm. Yes it was a long first day, teaching two classes, one a leadership class where the students were counting the money from a fundraiser they did, and one where the kids had a game day as it was the last day for volleyball. And yes it was hard to watch grade 9's butcher the game of volleyball... maybe 5 out of the 30 had enough skill to actually try a bump, set, spike!!! AAAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!!
Oh well.
So then I figure that the work calls will be flowing in...
Nope. I'm at home again today.
Half a day every 3 weeks... sounds good to me, but I don't know if Bless will like the idea of paying my rent.
Fingers crossed.
oh, and anyone who's on my volleyball team, I'm gonna need that money. Thanks.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Su Wong marries Lee Wong.
The next year, the Wong's have a new baby. The nurse brings over a lovely, healthy, bouncy, but definitely Caucasian baby boy.
"Congratulations," says the nurse to the new parents. "Well Mr. Wong, what will you and Mrs. Wong name the baby?"
The puzzled father looks at his new baby boy and says,"Well, two Wong's don't make a white, so I think we name him Sum Ting Wong."
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Long beautiful hair.
I can’t wait until Saturday. I have a hair appointment… finally!
I’m tired of seeing my orange-brassy-is-that-even-a-colour streaks! I think I'll get my hair trimmed too. What do you think Brent? Should I go for an undercut?

Note: The above picture isn't original. I found something similar in a store the other day. Too cheap to buy the card. Oh, I added the shoes. I don't wear heels.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Bridezilla Attack: File# 021499
Well, eleven months to ago until the big day. I’ve been drinking a lot of green tea lately and it seems to be calming me down. I’ve decided that it’s not worth arguing about what shades of green we should use for our flower arrangements. Dark green, medium green or light? Or maybe mix them up a bit? I don't know, maybe I'll just stick with cosmic plum. People will think I'm crazy!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
I love this.
Make your words work
by Gary Provost
This sentence has five words. Here are five more words. Five-word sentences are fine. But several together become monotonous. Listen to what is happening. The writing is getting boring. The sound of it drones. It's like a stuck record. The ear demands some variety.
Now listen. I vary the sentence length, and I create music. Music. The writing sings. It has a pleasant rhythm, a lilt, a harmony. I use short sentences. And I use sentences of medium length.
And sometimes, when I am certain the reader is rested, I will engage him with a sentence of considerable length, a sentence that burns with energy and builds with all the impetus of a crescendo, the roll of the drums, the crash of the cymbals -- sounds that say listen to this, it is important.
Monday, September 11, 2006
If you haven't read Brent's post yet, I got shot yesterday. My arm is still sore but the swelling has gone down a bit.
Yes, I cried but I couldn't help it!! :(
I was hiding behind the 'house' and I didn't know that there was an enemy inside. I thought he was one of my teammates, I swear. When we made eye contact, I was about to ask him where the 'enemies' were shooting from and that's when he shot me at least 3 times on my arm.
I guess you can say that I was in shock. I couldn't believe that he was shooting at me at such close range. You're supposed to give the person a chance to call mercy if you're within 15 feet. He was less than 10 feet. After the third shot, I yelled "Hit! Hit!" Once he stopped, I yelled "You didn't call mercy!"
The guy came up to me and you can kinda tell that he knew he did something wrong. I quickly looked at the ref and yelled that he didn't call 'mercy' but the ref didn't really know what to say.
I was so pissed, I stormed off and that's when the tearducts exploded.
I just want to set the record straight - I didn't cry because I got hit. I was just so angry. I was really frustrated at how it happened. The guy argued that there's no mercy rule in the house and the ref kind of agreed with him. No one mentioned about this 'no mercy' rule in the house and that got me even more angrier. I mean, if I knew, then I wouldn't have stayed by the house! Anyway, after the game was over, the guy apologized but he was still implying that it was my fault. "There's no mercy in the house." ...well, I wasn't even in the house dink!
The owner of the paintball field asked what happened and when I told him what the guy/ref said, he said that they were wrong.
Anyway, Brent was really great at making me feel better. He stayed with me and took care of me afterwards. He talked to the guy and I'm pretty sure if I gave him the 'ok', he would have destroyed him.
And everyone else was nice too - they made sure that I was alright.
A few kids came up to me and asked if I was the girl that got hit.
(insert big sigh... I didn't mean to make it a big deal!)
I said "Yes". They told me that they saw him shot at me a few times and thought he was a jerk. :)
Shot down in a blaze of glory!!!
Hello all,
Well it was Bless's brother's b-day party yesturday and we all went and played paintball. It was a fun day, but unfortunately Bless got shot point blank by a guy who should have called mercy on her. (mercy is when you are 15 feet or closer and rather than shooting and hurting the person you call mercy and they are considered shot. Its a rule and you're suppose to honor it.)
Well Bless and I were playing and I moved up the field about 20 feet but well off to the side and lost sight of her, and this guy ended up comming in close and rather than just shooting her once at close range (which still would have been against the mercy rule) he opens up and hits her 3 or 4 times in the arm.
Now, at that range the ball can actually break the skin, but luckily it didn't. Bless was obviously hurt and after I made sure she was okay, I went over to the guy. He insisted that he hadn't done anything wrong but he did apologise. Bless said that I didn't need to punch him so I didn't. Which was nice of her cause I may have been kicked off the field... maybe for good.
Anyway, Bless was upset and crying, but one of the first things she said was "I'm not a wimp, I'm just upset cause he didn't follow the mercy rule." And then, after sitting out only one game she got back out there and played again. And she didn't hold back either. She was right up in it with me and even shot a few people. I don't know of many girls (or people for that matter, no I'm not being sexist... I'm just commenting on the girls I know :) ) that wouldn't have just quit. For such a cute little thing, she's actually quite tough.
Anyway, I love you lady and even if those welts turn into big purple bruises I'll still love you... just wear long sleeves please. :P

Friday, September 08, 2006
Bridezilla Attack: File# 021457
Oh my goodness, I can’t decide on the freakn’ invitation envelopes!
Silver or Midnight Blue? Light blue or White? Pearlescent or Solid?
I like Pearlescent but it costs more… but it’s so pretty… but do people really care about the envelopes??? Probably not but I’m sure there’s someone out there…

Thursday, September 07, 2006
Well we had our first fight...
Yes its true. Bless and I got into a fight last night.
We were talking about stuff... wedding stuff... and she asked me what colors I wanted. I said I really didn't care about that kind of stuff...
Yikes! What a mistake!
Next thing I know she's on her feet and we're in a full on battle.
Now it doesn't matter who won or lost, that's between us, but here is my advice to all the guys out there.
Don't get make a girl angry if she knows how to use a lightsaber!!!

And don't worry lady, I'm sure they can reattach my arm.
I still love you, and Blue and silver sound good.
may the force be with ME.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
City Slickers
I'm back!
All I can say is that Brent’s family was amazing. They made me feel like I was already part of the family.
Brent's parents took really good care of me. They spoiled me as if I was one of their own. His mom told me some good stories about Brent when he was little - gotta love those! And I watched his dad school him in a couple of games. Awesome!
Brent’s brother, Jason was really nice – not as scary as I thought he would be… well maybe a little. Nonetheless, he made me feel welcome. Everyone did. I had a great time with Heather – we talked a lot and shared a few laughs. I'm quite sure we'd still get along even if I didn't bring my Cricut machine ;) And their son, Colton, is so adorable and polite! He was very shy when we first met, but the next day, he was calling me Auntie Bless.
Anyway, I'm very pleased with how well the weekend went. I hope I'll be able to see them again before the wedding. And maybe I'll get to see another shooting star!
And what about Brent? Well, Brent was… my Brent. *swoon* He made sure that I was al-right.
I love you Sir, and thank you for taking me to Quesnel.
The weekend trip from hell... or heaven?
Well as you all know, Bless and I went up to and I'll warn you right now that this post isn't going to be my usual silly joke. Bless was amazing and my family loved her. Heather (brother's wife) thought she was great and my nephew Colton cried when she left. She was great with Colton, playing with him all afternoon while I helped Heather with the computer.
And the rest of the weekend was fun. We went up to a nice little park, played horse shoes (dad snaked me twice!), bbq'ed, and shot paintballs (I thought I was a good shot, beating my hunter brother and dad, but Bless matched me for number of hits! Looks like I need to get her out on the field again!)
Anyway, I just wanted everyone to know that Bless is a welcome addition to the family and that my whole family had nothing but great things to say about her.
I love you lady, and thanks again for taking the time off to go to Quesnel.