Thursday, December 28, 2006

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Mine was lovely but it could have been lovelier if Brent was here. He's in Quesnel at the moment, visiting his family for the holidays but he'll be back tomorrow! Hurrah! Hard to believe, I am not good when we're apart. I get so cranky!

I can't wait until tomorrow when I finally get to see him. Can’t wait to hug him to pieces, smother him with kisses and complain about something.


A little treat for our viewers...

Here’s the first picture that Brent and I took together. This was taken last year on Dec. 17th at my Christmas staff party. If you consider that a date, then it would have been our third date.

When I opened the door and saw his handsome face smiling at me, I was in love. He brought me a little gift – a box of truffles and introduced himself to my parents. He was cordial and charming.

For the rest of the evening, he made me feel so special. He flirted, laughed, and talked to me. I was really shy around him and sometimes avoided eye contact. But whenever I had courage to look up, he was always looking and smiling at me. I was the centre of his attention and I loved every second of it. There were so many beautiful ladies at the party and I wondered, why me? Perhaps my winning personality had something to do with it...or my winnings? I won $2,300 cash that night.

This is one of my favourite pictures of us together. Whenever I look at it, it always brings back delightful memories of when we started dating. Doesn't he look adorable? So cute and innocent-looking.


Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Wedding Dress

My dress has finally arrived! All that stress for getting it in time for the wedding seems a little silly now. But that’s okay, it’s healthy to be silly.

I went for my first fitting last night with my parents. I was more nervous than excited to see my dress. Why? Two reasons, please see below.

1. The dress that I tried on was in burgundy. I ordered the dress in white – what if I look like a banshee?

2. The size that I ordered just fits. That was 3 months ago. If you recall, I just got back from the cruise. What if I can't fit? What if I stretch the dress?

Anyway, so there I was waiting nervously for my dress. I saw my dress in the bag and it looked beautiful and freakn’ small! How the heck am I going to fit into it?

She hung my dress and gestured me to enter the dressing room. I held my breath and entered with my fingers crossed.


The dress fits like a glove! No wounded flesh!! Yay!

I am so completely in love with my dress! Completely! It is simple but perfect. My parents loved it too. It was my dad’s first time seeing me in a wedding dress and I’m pretty sure he had some tears. Or maybe someone snuck in and shot him with a squirt gun?

I can’t wait for Brent to see me in my dress! I hope he likes it!
And if he doesn't? Well, he'll have to buy his own Star Wars minis.

Note: Yes, I recycle my pictures just as Brent recycles his jokes.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Slumber Party

I had quite an adventure on the day we arrived from our cruise (Sunday, Dec 3rd). Our bathroom was supposed to be renovated by then, instead, we found ourselves gawking at an empty room. There was no toilet, no sink and no running water!

I ended up spending the evening at Brent's place. I was very excited to be near my sweetpea -- especially since we've been apart for over a week but I was HELLA NERVOUS because I didn't want Brent to find out that I poop like normal people!

You can only imagine my serious dilemna! But don't fret, he still thinks fluffy marshmallows fall out of my bum.

Staying at Brent's place was quite fun! We ordered pizza and decorated the Christmas tree. We exchanged anniversary presents - I got a pirate ship game and wicked treasure (white gold & diamond earrings). We drank hot cocoa, had a pillow fight and watched Steel Magnolias. Just kidding. We had a fight over the remote control.

The next morning, Brent kissed me before he left for work! Lucky for me, I had Monday off! When Brent was at school, I washed his dishes, cleaned his living room and folded his laundry. Brent couldn’t believe that I possessed any domestic abilities! Whatev. I am so domestic.

So I was alone the whole day. The day went by so slow. I couldn’t wait until my sweetheart was off work. It was soooo boring! He only had 29 channels!

Anyway, I spent another night at Brent’s and on Dec 5th, the affair was over.

It was fun while it lasted.

It was fun being a pretend wife... but more work than a pretend fiance.

Friday, December 15, 2006


Just want to let everyone know that I survived the windstorm. No need for eating Brent's bum.

Sorry for the short post, been busy the last few days!

Monday, December 11, 2006

One year and counting!!!

Well she came back!

As you probably already know, Bless came back and she brought gifts! It was actually our 1 year aniversary on the day she came back so we spent the afternoon and evening together and got each other a couple of little gifts.

I know you're wondering so I'll tell you. I got her a Pirates board game (cause she likes pirates and ships) but I hid some diamond earrings in it as treasure... she liked the game so much she didn't find them right away and I had to tell her to look at all the pieces!!!

And what did she get me you ask? Well thanks for asking. She got me a home version of one of those claw games where you "fish" for a prize. I know, that's cool in and of itself, but what is even better is that she filled it with Star Wars toys!!! So cool!!!

I know what you're all thinking... Where did I find her? A hot chick that would support a guy's geekiest habits!?! She can't be real... can she?

Well I assure you she is!

I know what you think now tho too... is she really that hot then? I mean, Brent goes on and on about how good looking she is, but where is the proof?

Well, you'll have to take my word for it that she has a very nice body, but I think this picture should put any arguments to rest.


Sorry everyone, I tried... :)

Friday, December 08, 2006


Brent likes to copy everything I do.

He's so crazy.

While I was out on my water adventure in the Carribbean, he was doing this in Vancouver:

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Flushed Away

I'm back from my water adventure! So much to tell. I found the City of Atlantis and bypassed the Bermuda Triangle. I ate two eggs (eight days in a row) and almost passed out on a treadmill. I tanned without sunscreen and saw a giant sting ray. I swam in the ocean and ate a lobster. I saw a mermaid with legs. I was captured by a couple of pirates. I called for help but Brent was busy playing Mike's Wii-Wii.

More stories to follow.