Well we decided to go down to the PNE last evening and I have to tell you, it was magical. So many people everywhere and things to see and do, but most of all it was because of the person I was with.
You see, when you go to a place like the PNE with your friends, its a fun day of rides and games, but when you go with your fiance its a day of dreaming about that house you'll both one day live in, its seeing couples with kids and being thankful thats at least a few years off, but then also thinking about that future family. Its a day where you both laugh at all the stupid infomercial stands, but secretly know that you both want to buy it. Our house is going to be full of junk!
Oh dear.
Well anyway, last night was great. And my wonderfull fiance also won me a stuffed animal... sort of. Its not really an animal, but I'll explain that later. So we are walking through the maze of venders calling to us to try our luck and laughing and ignoring most, but then we come to one where this guy is pumping in coins, the object is to have the coins you fire in build up enough to push the winning tokens off the ledge... maybe you've seen it? Well anyway, we watched for a bit and this guy couldn't catch a break, and after at least $20 in the machine he still hadn' t won. And then this other girl comes up plays the machine right next to his and bam! She wins right off the bat.
Well this gets us interested and we call the guy over. We pay for our 15 coins and decide that I should play first. Well I did knock down several coins, but no prize token... oh well.
So we walk around for a bit and I can tell that you-know-who really wants to play, so we head back, pay up once again, and my wonderful fiance sits down... I helped by holding the stop button (if you know the game its a strategy, but it doesn't really matter for now), and promply knocks a winning token off the ledge!!!
And to my surprise... SHE let me pick the prize, a space squirl from sponge bob square pants!!!
My fiance had won me a prize! What a wonderful girl she is!
You take such good care of me, I love you. ;)